The Nottingham New Theatre will be showcasing an Online Season this Autumn

This Autumn The NNT is running an entirely Online Season (similar to the Quarantine Season). More details of how the season will work and how to get involved in proposing shows are below.

Online Season

The Nottingham New Theatre is creating an Online Season.

This is the online creation of virtual theatre which will be posted on the NNT YouTube channel and shared across our platforms for all to watch. We do this with the ambition to have theatre being made all through the term regardless of possible future further restrictions, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

This process has the potential to be incredibly rewarding, not only for the actors involved, but also for aspiring writers, the imaginative video designers and editors, and the inquisitive members who want to learn new skills.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to email Jack Titley, Fringe Season Coordinator

The shows will be announced here and on our social media in the coming weeks, so keep your eye out for those.

The following pack details how the ‘Quarantine Season’ will function as well as how to go about proposing a show to feature in the season.

If you are proposing a show you must complete the proposals form. Please contact one of the coordinators if you are considering proposing.

More information will follow regarding how to get involved in other aspects of the season once the shows have been confirmed.

If you are looking to propose check out our Proposals Pack. It’s a handy guide to filling in the proposals form for this Autumn’s Online Season

Use this form to propose a show for the up-coming online Autumn season

Email completed forms to